
 Rosalia Rubio-Chavez, originally hails from Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico, and has been teaching Spanish at all levels for more than twenty years. Her prior experience as both a social worker and a teacher makes her the perfect tutor to keep lessons socially relevant and to present lessons in multiple ways.

   Image courtesy of the Library of Congress

1910 classroom Washington, DC

She combines music, videos, websites, books, and conversation to engage her students at all levels. She makes her classes fun, but more importantly, they are relevant to what you want to learn. By working with individuals or small groups, she is able to dedicate her time, techniques, and skills in a way that the public schools or other language schools just cannot.

Her personal tutoring is ideal for children whose parents want to expose them to a new language and a new outlook on life. For individuals who want to converse at either a business or personal level, her immersion techniques work wonders.

Spanish like English keeps evolving. True native speakers are able to shine a light on those changes because textbooks just aren't designed to keep up.
